The 2024 IoM Copiers Easter Regatta took place in Ramsey Bay last weekend, hosted by Manx Sailing and Cruising Club.   

As usual, the sun was shining with a brisk southerly breeze which may have been a little too much for some, but no worries for those who kept up the practice at West Baldwin during the winter. 

The fleet was mixed with the extremes of dinghy performance clearly on show, with the Cope brothers Jimmy in the Tera and big brother Peter in a foiling Waszp (is it even a boat?) 

The three races were over the same windward/leeward (up and downwind) course and, after a minor delay because of the patrol boat assisting a competitor with gear failure, racing started. 

First over the startline in race one was P. Cope and over the five laps, with speeds of up to 22 knots recorded, he was easily the first on the water by at least two laps.   

Even after correction, he took first place from Simon Pressly (Radial) by more than two minutes with junior Thomas Watterson (Aero 5) only 13 seconds back in third place. 

Race two, with the wind easing slightly and with some of the outright speed of the Waszp muted, Peter was still first on the water but on correction it was a Laser one-two-three.  

Pressly (Radial) was first just back from the ILCA Laser World Championship in Australia, while second was Jason Hyett (Laser) ahead of Donald Edwards (Laser) in third. 

The breeze eased further for race three, with Edwards showing what he could do after a bit of practice in the opening two races.  

P. Cope still led the fleet home but Edwards was second on the water. After correction, it was Simon who again took the win with Edwards second and junior Thomas in third. 

The overall victor, not surprisingly with two wins and one second, was Pressly, while first place junior and second overall was Thomas Watterson with a thrilled Hyett in third. Next was first woman Elsie Hyett and MS&CC commodore Jerry Colman finishing the windy day in the dinghy with by far the largest sail, the Finn. 

MS&CC would like to thank Mark Corrin of IOM Copiers for his continued support, Keith Poole for officer of the day duties ably assisted by Dave Edwards and Ralph Kee. 

Thanks also to the patrol boats crews of Jade Leach, Peter Hooson-Owen, Helen Kee and Martin Jackson, and Niamh Poole for organising an excellent regatta tea. 

For full results go to the MS&CC website and for photos visit the club’s Facebook page.