The fifth round of the Tower Insurance DTL league was held at Meary Veg in Santon with 14 competitors taking part in dull, dry conditions.

The leader after the first round was C class shooter Ted Kermeen with a 24/71 score.

In second place on 24/69 were Michael Cross and Peter Kelly followed by Jack Clague on 23/68 who was the leading B class shooter.

After the second round David Morgan finished in third place in C class on 42/123 with junior Zac Bellhouse taking second with 44/127. Top of C class, however, with 47/137 was Ted Kermeen.

In B class, Brian Faragher was third with 43/121 with George Davies second on 43/124. Taking B class and also high gun on the day was super vet Jack Clague with 47/138.

In A class, Michael Cross and Peter Lowe were in equal second place on 47/135, while winning A class with 47/137 was Peter Kelly.

In the afternoon, the fifth round of the Manx Petroleum's Olympic Skeet competition was held, and Stan Cross was the winner on 45 with son Michael second on 41 with Brian Faragher third on 34.

The fifth round of the Sadler Agricultural Supplies ABT League was also held, and the winner was Steven Craine on 37 points with Kelly in second place on 34 with Kermeen third on 31.

This weekend is the fifth round of the Dave and Pam Corlett Pro Sporting League.

Would cup holders please return them for engraving for the dinner on Saturday, November 9 at Douglas Golf Club.

The sheet for the dinner is now up in the clubhouse so please get your names down. Duty officers this week are Stan and Michael Cross and Peter Kelly.