An inquest has been opened into the tragic sudden death of a six-month-old baby.

Ruby-Mai Olivya Kirlew, who was born on April 9 this year, died at her home in the Rockside apartments on Head Road, Douglas, on Saturday November 4.

A crowd-funding page has been set up to raise £3,000 to pay towards funeral extras. It has raised more than £2,300 so far.

No charge is being made for the funeral itself which takes place on Thursday.

Coroner John Needham said investigations are continuing into the tragedy. He said the cause of death has yet to be established but one suggestion was sudden infant death syndrome.

The inquest heard the emergency services attended the Head Road flat at 7.45am on the Saturday and saw Ruby-Mai lying on the living room floor. There was no pulse and no signs of injury.

Detective Inspector Neil Craig said there were no marks on her body to suggest that the death was from anything other than natural causes.

A post mortem was carried out at Alder Hey Hospital and police had no objections to the body being released for funeral arrangements.

The Coroner passed on his condolences to Ruby-Mai’s mother Beverley, who did not attend the inquest.

Beverley told iomtoday: ’She was the most smiley, happiest baby. She’s now been taken into the arms of the angels.’

A JustGiving page to pay towards the funeral has been set up by Ruby-Mai’s aunt Helen Kirlew who said: ’My niece died on November 4. We could not save my little princess. This has broken all our family’s hearts.

’To all of you that have already generously donated - can we say a very huge thank you.

’Initially when we set up the page, we had no idea that Faraghers funeral directors would kindly offer to provide the practical parts of the funeral service for free, and for that, we are very grateful. ’However, we made the decision to continue fundraising for Ruby-Mai’s funeral because as the fortnight has progressed, we have come across many other financial pay-outs that Bev would not have been able to meet if it wasn’t for your kind donations.’

The money donated will be used to pay for flowers, the wake, memory balloons and photographs from Ruby-Mai’s siblings , a memory video to be played at the service and a headstone or plaque in Ruby-Mai’s memory.

If there is any money left over, it will be given to Ruby-Mai’s siblings towards their Christmas, and a donation will be given to Rebecca House.