Approximately 20% of the total energy used by Manx Telecom’s headquarters in the Isle of Man Business Park in the last 12 months has been provided by the solar panels the company installed this time last summer.

A spokesperson for the telecommunications company said: ‘Over the past year, Manx Telecom’s commitment to renewable energy has yielded significant environmental benefits, with approximately 20% of the total energy used by headquarters coming from the solar panels installed last year.

‘In their first year, the 228 solar panels have generated over 70 MWh of electricity, saved more than 27.5 tonnes of CO2 emissions, which is the equivalent of planting 820 trees.

‘The success of this initiative underscores Manx Telecom’s dedication to sustainability and has encouraged the provider to explore similar installations across their other buildings in the near future.’

Head of the Braddan-based company’s environmental, social and governance committee Sally Lawrence added: ‘The past year has demonstrated the tangible benefits of renewable energy.

‘We’re excited to continue our journey towards a more sustainable future and look forward to expanding our solar energy projects to further reduce our carbon footprint.

‘Our overarching commitment is to ultimately achieve carbon neutrality. This goal reflects our dedication to not just maintaining but enhancing all of our environmental efforts.’

A company spokesperson added: ‘Manx Telecom remains committed to being at the forefront of green initiatives and is eager to share our experiences and insights with other businesses considering solar energy.

For more information or to learn more about our sustainability efforts, please email [email protected]