The Craig Heartstrong Foundation has launched branded beer mats across the island’s pubs to celebrate another heart screening weekend.

Raising awareness of the charity around the island is the aim of the initiative, as well as encouraging people to donate online using the charity donation QR code.

Since the foundation was set up in memory of Craig Lunt, it has screened more than 10,000 young men and women and donated more than 565 defibrillators.

The timing of the beer mat launch coincides with the charities heart screening weekend at Noble’s Hospital where it is expected, with the assistance of UK charity ‘Cardiac Risk in the Young’ (CRY), to test the hearts of more than 350 young men and women this weekend.

The idea for the beer mats was formed following meetings held earlier this year between Craig’s Heartstrong and Heron and Brearley.

According to a spokesperson from the charity, the brewery are also working closely with them to find suitable buildings across the island where they can house a public access defibrillator.

Charity chairman, Paul Healey, commented: ‘We are delighted to be working closely with Heron and Brearley both on the beer mats and finding new locations for our defibrillators.

‘Having recently used the Heron Pub and Barbary West Coast to house the lifesaving machines, we hope to have more fitted very soon across the island.

‘To celebrate another heart screening weekend, we have designed a beer mat with our QR code on to make it easier to donate using your phone whilst out and about visiting some of our pubs.’

The charity needs £27,500 each time they hold a heart screening weekend and are currently holding two per year, while public access defibrillators cost approximately £2,000 per unit.

To donate, you can visit the charity website at