Ramsey Coastguard and lifeboat volunteers were called out to rescue a kayaker and swimmer who had got into difficulty off Blue Point.

The call-out came at around 1pm today (Sunday).

A Coastguard rescue team arrived at the scene to find the swimmer had made their way safely back to shore - but the wind had pushed the kayaker further out to sea.

Ramsey lifeboat Anne and James Ritchie II had just completed a training exercise when the call-out came from Belfast Coastguard and it was quickly relaunched.

The mobile Coastguard unit continued to keep an eye on the kayak and gave regular updates about its position.

They directed the lifeboat towards the kayak which was by now just over a mile offshore, driven by an increasingly fresh breeze.

The casualty and kayak were recovered safely and having ensured that nobody else was in the water, the lifeboat crew took them to Ramsey.

There they were reunited with the second member of the party who had raised the alarm.

Emergency crews were back at base by 2pm.

