A 52-year-old woman who was found drunk in public toilets has been put on probation for 18 months.

Naomi Callister, of Sound Road, Cregneash, admitted being drunk and incapable and was also banned from purchasing or being sold alcohol for six months.

We previously reported that police went to the public toilets at Droghadfayle Road in Port Erin on April 7, after reports of noises coming from within.

They found Callister asleep in a cubicle and officers were unable to wake her up.

An ambulance was called and assistance was required to remove her from the cubicle.

A probation report said that Callister had completed her last probation order in December 2023.

Her probation officer said that she would not go into details in public court of issues, but said that the defendant was deeply ashamed.

The report said that Callister had been struggling with her mental health, and by her own admission, using alcohol as a way of coping.

Defence advocate Paul Rodgers asked the court to follow the recommendation of the report, for a period of supervision, but asked for his client to be spared a ban on entering licensed premises, as he said her job sometimes involved her going to pubs.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood also ordered the defendant to pay £50 prosecution costs within seven days.