A 21-year-old man has appeared in court accused of biting two hotel owners.

Brogan Misselbrook is charged with assault causing actual bodily harm, common assault, and provoking behaviour.

The offences relating to the two assault charges are alleged to have been committed at the Trevelyan Hotel in Douglas on May 8.

It is alleged that Mr Misselbrook was staying at the property but became involved in an altercation with the owners.

He is accused of biting the male owner on the stomach and punching him, then biting the female owner on the arm.

Prosecuting advocate Sara-Jayne Dodge submitted that the assault allegations were too serious for summary court and should be committed to the Court of General Gaol Delivery.

Mr Misselbrook, whose address was given as the Isle of Man Prison, is also accused of provoking behaviour which is alleged to have been committed on May 28 outside Noble’s Hospital.

He is yet to enter pleas to the charges and was represented in court by advocate Jane Gray, who asked for an adjournment to allow time to review the case papers.

The case was adjourned until September 5 and no bail application was made due to no suitable address being available.