A Douglas woman has been put on probation for 18 months after a spate of offences.

Courtney Siobhan Mairad Regan admitted threatening behaviour, being found drunk in public, and property damage, all committed on different dates during a three month period.

Regan admitted threatening behaviour on March 17 after being involved in a row at Taubman Terrace in Douglas.

The 24-year-old also admitted being drunk in a public place on June 6.

In addition to those offences, she pleaded guilty to destroying property on June 11, after she broke a glass panel in a door to get into a stranger’s house and was found snoring underneath a mattress after drinking half a bottle of wine.

Defence advocate Ian Kermode referred to a probation report, which he said contained a lot of information which he would not go into in open court.

Mr Kermode said that the report highlighted the missing support network his client had had in her life.

The advocate said that, prior to the latest spate of incidents, Regan only had one previous conviction, in 2017.

‘She is making a positive change to turn her life around,’ said Mr Kermode.

He went on to say that the defendant had limited means so a financial penalty would not be suitable, and that ailments including a bad back would perhaps render her unable to engage in community service.

Mr Kermode added that a supervision order would provide some stability in his client’s life.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood said: ‘All the offences were committed within a short period of time and it is quite clear all three have their root in alcohol misuse.’

Regan, who lives at Snaefell Road, was also ordered to pay £375 prosecution costs, at a rate of £5 per week, deducted from benefits.