A Port Erin teenager who was seen fighting at the Castletown Festival has been fined £300 and banned from licensed premises for nine months.

Corey Logan Sealey admitted being drunk and disorderly on August 3, despite already being under a licensing ban imposed in June.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood also ordered the 18-year-old to pay £125 prosecution costs.

Prosecuting advocate Hazel Carroon told the court that security staff, outside the Garrison at Castle Street in Castletown, saw Sealey initially involved in an argument with another male.

This escalated as Sealey moved towards the male, and the man threw a drink at Sealey.

Sealey then threw a punch at him and the pair started fighting, with a series of punches thrown.

Police arrived and Sealey, who lives at Marashen Crescent, was described as smelling of alcohol and having glazed eyes.

As he was arrested, he told officers: ‘It was self-defence.’

During an interview at police headquarters, he answered ‘no comment’ to all questions.

On June 12, Sealey was given a six month licensing ban and fined £275 after being involved in a fight on Douglas Promenade.

Defence advocate Kaitlyn Shimmin asked for credit to be given for her client’s guilty plea and said that he wanted to apologise for his actions.

‘He assures me this will be the last time he will be before the court. He understands he needs to grow up,’ said the advocate.

Deputy High Bailiff Ms Braidwood told Sealey: ‘It’s clear alcohol doesn’t have a good effect on you.’

The teenager will pay the fine and costs at a rate of £50 per week, starting at the end of his previous fine.