This month’s Young Farmers of the Month is Emily Kelly
Age - 24
Occupation - Customer support advisor at NFU Mutual
How long have you been involved in Young Farmers? - I’m in my 15th year as a member
How did you get involved in Young Farmers? -My older brother was a member and I remember counting down the years until I could join too
Sheep or Cattle? - Cattle
Favourite Isle of Man Creameries Cheese? - Red Leicester
Blue, Green or Red milk? - Green
Favourite Young Farmers Calendar Event? - Stock Judging Competitions on and off the island
Highlight of your time in Young Farmers so far? - Too many to count! But the two main ones are winning the concert (jointly with Southern) as chairman of the Central club and winning Miss Young Farmer in three consecutive years
Farming Icon? - My dad, Philip.
Challenges you feel face Manx agriculture? - The number one challenge for us and all farmers is the cost of raw materials; fertiliser, feed, sprays, fuel.
This is not sustainable in the long term for agriculture.
It is one of the only industries that gets dictated to on what is paid for its product and with the future being more uncertain than ever it is a worrying time for the farming community.
Describe Young Farmers in three words? - Fulfilling, Fun, Friendship