The KFC drive-thru in Douglas is to open 24 hours a day.

Members of the planning committee voted six to one to approve an application by Gastronomy Foods UK Ltd (24/00753/B).

The 24-hour opening will not apply to the sit-in restaurant at the Peel Road outlet following concerns raised by police.

Gastronomy Food’s initial application was to extend the hours of both the restaurant and drive-thru from the current 10.30am-midnight to 24 hours seven days a week.

It said this was due to the high demand the store is experiencing and the knock-on effect of causing large queues both in the restaurant and the delivery/drive-thru lane.

‘Extending the opening hours will hopefully alleviate some of this pressure and will help with traffic management on-site and in the surrounding areas by spreading out customer demand, similar to the nearby McDonalds unit which operates 24 hours over the weekend period,’ it added.

But police warned that anti-social behaviour could escalate.

Its submission to the planning comittee stated: ‘There is concern that during Friday and Saturday nights into the early hours, officers are already dealing with anti-social behaviour on Peel Road, Douglas and this may escalate, particularly if KFC will offer seated dining.

‘This would increase the demand placed upon the Constabulary. In light of this, would KFC be providing security at the times when demand for late night food establishments is in high demand?’

In response the applicants said they would be happy for only the drive-thru to be open for 24 hours.

This was enough for police to overcome their concerns, saying: ‘24 hours for the drive-thru only would be acceptable for the police and negates any likelihood of anti-social behaviour within the restaurant itself.’

Planning officer Chris Balmer, recommending approval, noted that the closest residential properties are on Ballakermeen Drive which are 86m or more away.

He said there is already a level of noise/disturbances during the periods the proposed units would be open, and the additional hours in the night period would not significantly add to this impact.

He pointed out that the petrol station immediately opposite KFC is open 24 hours a day, as is McDonalds on certain days further down Peel Road.

The planning officer concluded: ‘Overall, while the proposal would allow the drive-thru element only to be open for 24 hours a day, it is not considered in this location there would be any significant impacts to neighbouring properties or to the area to raise a concern.

‘The concerns of the police were initially noted, but with an appropriately worded condition to ensure only the drive-thru element opens 24hrs a day, it is consider this matter has been suitably addressed.’