The owner of a dog is being urged to come forward after a horse and rider were injured in an incident in Archallagan plantation.

An emergency vet had to be sent for to sedate and treat the horse for its injuries following the incident which took place on Friday afternoon.

The owner of the horse said a mid to large size black dog came out of nowhere, barking and running at them.

In an attempt to get away the horse went into the trees where it fell over and the rider was thrown against another tree.

The dog continued to come at them, barking. Its owner wasn’t seen.

Regaining an upright position, the horse lashed out to protect itself and kicked the dog, possibly more than once as it kept coming at them.

After that, the dog stopped moving in on the horse and rider, and crept away.

The rider, having sustained a blow to the head, shoulder and elbow and with several cuts, lost vision momentarily.

Injuries to both dog and rider were not caused by the dog but by the horse falling over and its rider being thrown.

The rider was shocked by the incident but refused to go to A&E until her horse was attended to.

An emergency vet was sent for and the horse was sedated and given injections and antibiotics. It had several wounds including one near the eye which required stitches.

The rider is recovering at home after being discharged from hospital.

An appeal posted on an IoM Equestrian Facebook page reads: ‘Did anyone see this incident?

‘Will the black dog’s owner come forward, not least they need to check their dog who may look fine but may have internal injuries/bleeding/ ruptured spleen, tear to liver etc - injuries that won't show until the internal bleeding kills the dog.

‘Does anyone know of a dog walker who is in Archallagan weekday afternoons? The rider was too shocked and looking to the horses and her trauma to take photos.’