The clauses of the Assisted Dying Bill 2023 will continue to be discussed during today’s House of Keys sitting.

The proposed clauses of the Bill were last debated on May 14, with that being the last Keys sitting before the TT fortnight.

Earlier debates on the Bill have included considerations as to whether the provision of Assisted Dying care should be privatised, as well as discussions over the length of the residency period for those who wish to receive end of life care.

There will also be 18 separate questions during today’s sitting, which cover a range of topics such as Disability Living Allowance, e-scooters, energy supplies being cut off and school expulsions.

Further questions will also be asked regarding Assisted Dying. MHK for Douglas Central Chris Thomas is set to ask the Minister for Treasury Dr Alex Allinson what the estimated costs would be of a) staffing per assisted death b) one-off implementation of an assisted dying service and c) operating an assisted dying service.

The sitting will commence at 10am.