A series of special events will be held in the Isle of Man to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day on June 6, 2024.

A remembrance service, organised by the Royal British Legion, will be held at St John’s Church, and led by Archdeacon the Venerable Irene Cowell.

The church service will begin at 8pm, with the Lieutenant Governor Sir John Lorimer and the Chief Minister, Alfred Cannan, doing readings.

Another ceremony will take place at the War Memorial in St John’s, where a ceremonial beacon will be lit at 9:15pm as part of a network of beacon lighting events taking place across the UK.

The Lieutenant Governor, Lady Lorimer, the President of Tynwald and the Chief Minister will all lay wreaths at the ceremony.

Peter Murcott, Mayor Natalie Byron-Teare, Sir Laurence New and Monsignor John Devine at last years remembrance service
Peter Murcott, Mayor Natalie Byron-Teare, Sir Laurence New and Monsignor John Devine at last years remembrance service (N/A)

Bruno Peek, organiser of the national beacon lighting initiative, said: 'The light from the flames from the lamps and the beacons will represent the “light of peace” that emerged from the darkness of war, with the lamp providing a very simple, safe, unique and cost-effective way of taking part in this important 80th anniversary occasion.'

Key landmarks such as Douglas Promenade, the Tower of Refuge, the Legislative Buildings, Imperial Buildings and Ramsey Swing Bridge will also be lit in red throughout the day, adding to the tribute across the island.

Alfred Cannan MHK said: 'The Isle of Man is proud to join the nation in commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day. This significant event allows us to honour the bravery and sacrifice of those who fought and reflect our deep respect and gratitude.'

More information can be found on the Government website at www.gov.im/dday80, while details about the national events and beacon lighting can be found at www.d-day80beacons.co.uk.