The TT’s business development manager Paul Phillips has taken to social media to explain the reasons behind the decision to shorten Saturday’s Senior race from six laps to four.

In a long thread on X (Twitter) Phillips tried to explain the rationale behind why races are moved or shortened: ‘I absolutely understand the frustration when TT races are moved and/or reduced in distance when the schedule is disrupted due to delays.

‘Nobody is more frustrated than those of us involved in that decision-making.

‘It is a complex process with a range of contributing factors including the road closure permit, the time it takes to run a race including the necessary pre race process and the post race activities, the pit lane fuel licence, the weather forecast the impact on the local populous and most critically the stress and fatigue placed on riders, their teams, volunteer race officials, marshals, and medical staff. ‘This entire event has been massively disrupted, especially by weather but also by RTC related delays. Despite this massive disruption, we are currently on target to run all 10 races with four racing laps lost from a total of 28 scheduled. ‘We have two primary objectives with all of this. Firstly, providing the best entertainment package we can for fans everywhere, be that watching on the hedgerows or via the live broadcast.

‘And secondly but equal in importance, looking after the safety and well-being of our riders. ‘Given how the disruption has played out, we have five solo races taking place over three days back to back. For some riders that will be close to 600 high intensity racing miles. This is a big load for the riders and their teams. ‘We also know that the weather forecast for Friday morning is poor which could add further pressure on those involved. ‘We have a duty of care for all of our riders. Asking them to complete all the scheduled laps given all the disruption is unreasonable and unrealistic. ‘In order to deliver all the races, some of them have had to be shortened. We hate having to do that but have no other choice. ‘This is especially the case when it comes to the Senior TT; our most prestigious race of all. ‘There are few time restraints on us on Saturday as it is a weekend and the roads can stay closed through the 5pm-6pm period. The weather forecast is also reasonable. We could easily run the STWIN and Senior Races, the warm-up lap and the parade with lots of time left over. ‘The only reason the Senior Race has been reduced to four laps is rider safety. The parade lap has no impact on this and has been included on Friday simply to add further time in between the two scheduled races for riders to recover and teams to prepare. ‘There has been some phenomenal racing this TT. History has been made, new faces have emerged, old heroes have reminded us of their credentials, and there has been no end of drama to keep us all on the edge of our seats. ‘Hopefully, we have four more races still to go, which will no doubt be just as thrilling and exciting. Hopefully, they can be delivered with the least amount of weather disruption and as safely as possible. ‘I hope everyone has a brilliant final 48 hours of TT 2024.’

An update on Friday’s schedule is due at midday after forecast rain delayed roads closing.