An eight-metre tall statue of a heron is being installed at Castletown harbour today (Tuesday).
Castletown Town Commissioners submitted a planning application earlier this year for 26ft tall sculpture. But the scale of the artwork is only now being appreciated as it is put in place.
Created by renowned local international-renowned artists Stephanie Quayle and Darren Jackson, the heron will act as a focal point on the ‘Silverburn Art Trail’.
These pictures taken by Castletown resident Jo Overty shows the careful operation to put the large metal sculpture in place on a concrete base at Thirtle Bridge. Scaffolding was put in place with workers carefully ensuring the sculpture was secured.
Darren said: ‘Conception was five years ago and it took maybe a year and a half to get the process in planning and it took maybe a year to build.’
He said creating an 8.3m high sculpture had its challenges and a structural engineer was brought in to ensure its stability.
Stephanie said: ‘You often see herons on the river here. They stand statue-still when they are fishing so they lend themselves to a sculpture. It’s nice to celebrate the wildlife on the island.
‘It’s definitely the biggest thing we’ve ever made and it wouldn’t have been possible without the Creative Network sourcing the Lottery funding which is what has paid for it. It’s a beautiful spot to be in.’
The Silverburn Art Trail is a project currently under development by a collective of Isle of Man artists known as the Creative Network. There are already a number of murals painted in the town and a temporary display of beetles dotted throughout Silverdale Glen last year.
Carola Rush from the Creative Network said: ‘We had this crazy idea to build a sculpture or art trail up the Silverburn. We knew we wanted a fantastic header piece for the trail.’
She said several other sculptures are in the pipeline but not yet ready.
Fellow member of the Creative Network, Myra Gilbert, said: ‘This will be the launch pad for the trail.
‘We think this is probably the largest heron sculpture in the world. There are others but this will be the biggest.’
Carola added: ‘We wanted the Isle of Man to have its own equivalent of the Angel of the North and Darren ad Stephanie have come up with the goods.’
The Great Heron project has been entirely funded by the Creative Network and the Lottery Trust.
Castletown Town Commissioners said the cost to ratepayers would be no more than £2,000.
This was the amount spent on professional services for the planning of the operation to lift the sculpture into position and the lift itself, together with a seven-year licence fee for use of harbours division land.
The trail follows the first stretch of the Bayr Ny Skeddan (Herring Way) along the Silverburn river from Castletown, through Ballasalla and on to Silverdale Glen.
A statement on the Creative Network’s website said that the path will ‘feature a range of art works in eclectic styles, from street art in Castletown, to sculptural pieces in the countryside, and ephemeral pieces made from natural materials which will disappear over time.
It said: ‘Creative Network member artists and guests will develop site specific work, both temporary and permanent, to develop a dynamic outdoor art experience, adding to the story of our island and its history, culture and heritage.
‘The trail has been generously supported by The Manx Lottery Community Fundand the Year of our Island Fund allowing for more permanent artworks to be made and signage to be added.’
Unveiling plans for the work in April, a spokesperson for Castletown Town Commissioners said: ‘We are pleased to have been able to assist the artistic community in making the planning application in an attempt to realise their vision.’