A forthcoming Employment (Amendment) Bill will feature new rights for rest breaks, neonatal care leave and carer’s leave.

The enhanced workers’ rights are based on feedback from a series of public consultations held last year, said the Department for Enterprise.

Further research will be carried out on a number of other areas consulted on including statutory annual leave provision, the maximum awards available at the Employment and Equality Tribunal, and reforms to the licensing of employment agencies and businesses.

Enterprise Minister Tim Johnston MHK said: ‘Public and stakeholder consultation is a vital part of policy development, and I extend my thanks to organisations and members of the public who responded to no fewer than seven consultations covering a wide range of topics.

‘Throughout this administration, the department has brought forward a number of reforms to improve employment legislation in the Isle of Man, namely enhancements to family rights and the right to time off in relation to dependants, as well as whistleblowing protections and day one rights to written statements which are due to come into effect from April 1.

‘Further amendments including shared parental leave, parental bereavement leave, and miscarriage leave are expected to come into effect later this year.’

The Minister added: ‘By bringing forward these amendments we are committing to the protection of our workforce, ensuring fairness as well as flexibility in the workplace, and supporting employers with guidance and clarity in a changing labour market.

‘It is important that the work we do makes the island an attractive, dynamic, and secure destination for those who choose to live, work, or do business here.’

The prospective changes will be presented to Tynwald later in the year. Further announcements on additional changes, including shared parental leave, are also due later in the year.