Royal Avenue is to be shut for two days next week as it is treated with micro asphalt.
The Department of Infrastructure have said that the Onchan road will be closed to traffic on July 3 and 4 from 9am to 3pm.
The times are to avoid conflict with school buses and commuter traffic.
The road may possibly be shut on July 5 if work isn't complete over the two days.
Parking will be suspended on Royal Avenue while the work takes place.
Vehicular access for residents will be maintained but delays are likely while surfacing operations are underway, and access for pedestrians will not be affected.
During the closed periods buses are unable to serve Royal Avenue, and therefore services 1H, 2 and 11A will divert from Queens Promenade via Summer Hill to central Onchan.
Services 1 and 12A will divert from central Onchan via Summer Hill and Queens Promenade.
Diverted buses are unable to serve the stops at Derby Castle, Port Jack, Falkland Drive and Royal Avenue.
Service 2 journeys from Ballachrink will continue to serve Port Jack shelter and Derby Castle sea side.
In the event of bad weather and the works being deferred then buses will operate on the normal route.
School buses will run as normal through Royal Avenue.
If anyone has any queries the DOI have said to contact Kiely Bros’ Customer Services Team on 0121 772 3800 or [email protected].