A group of adventurers from the island have recently travelled to Canada to complete a 444-mile trek for charity.

‘Expedition Limitless’ is attempting to Kayak up the Yukon River in order to raise money for the island charity ‘Manx Mencap’.

The charity was established in 1968 and is dedicated to the support and wellbeing of people with learning disabilities.

Participants of the challenge have already raised more than the initial £100,000 target, with more fundraising events expected to take place when they return.

Matt Gooding, one of the challenge’s participants, said: ‘Manx Mencap is a small charity in the island and they don’t get loads of coverage, but they do really great work.

‘The more we raise the better and it’s going to have such a big impact for these people and their families.’

Talking about the expedition, he added: ‘We're taking everything we need to eat and sleep and we will be paddling for 750 kilometres, which is a really crazy distance. We’re away for 18 days and we’re on the river for 12 of them.

‘I’ve been married to my wife Debbie for a long time now and this is the longest time we’ll have ever been apart from each other. It’s going to be strange not waking up next to her every morning.’

Expedition Limitless team leader Martin Malone said: ‘Once again, the Manx public and the corporate sector have been amazing.

‘We wouldn’t have got to £100,000 without a lot of people helping us, and it’s surpassed our expectations. It’s just the usual Manx generosity - when you ask people to help, they do and that’s just wonderful.’

Fran Tinkler, health advisor for Manx Mencap, said: ‘Truthfully, it’s life-changing for our members.

‘That kind of money is giving us the freedom to provide services we’ve never been able to provide in the past, and it really will change their lives.’