It’s Tynwald Day 2024 - the National Day of the Isle of Man.

As is tradition, the Tynwald will meet on Tynwald Hill at St John’s this morning.

This Midsummer sitting is a ceremony with origins that date back more than a thousand years.

Proceedings will begin at the Royal Chapel with a service of worship at 11am.

Then the members of Tynwald and other dignitaries will move to Tynwald Hill where new Acts of Tynwald are read out in both Manx and English, detailing which new laws will come into force on the island.

Residents across the Isle of Man will then have the opportunity to bring forward any petitions calling on politicians to take action.

After the petitions are done, Tynwald members and dignitaries then return to the Royal Chapel.

Alongside the ceremony, a fair, Viking village, exhibitors and traditional music and dancing will also be staged at St John’s.

We’ll be bringing you live updates from St John’s during the Tynwald Day proceedings on our blog below.