A 70-year-old drink-driver has been fined £1,000 and banned from the roads for a year.

Kevin Grugan was also fined a further £100 for having no valid driving licence.

Prosecuting advocate Hazel Carroon told the court that police were directed to the car park at Shoprite in Bowring Road in Ramsey on June 13, at 5pm.

A member of the public reported that Grugan was seen staggering and getting into his Toyota Avensis.

Officers went to his home, at Dreeym Ollay in Ramsey, and found the car parked outside with the engine still warm.

Grugan answered the door and was described as unsteady on his feet, smelling of alcohol, and slurring his words slightly.

He admitted that he had just been to the pub and said he had drunk two pints of lager.

Grugan was unable to provide a sample of breath, despite several attempts, and was subsequently arrested.

At police headquarters, he did provide a sample which produced a reading of 41, above the legal limit of 35.

A blood test was offered, as is the law for readings under 50, and Grugan provided a sample of blood.

This later produced a result of 88, above the limit of 80.

The court heard that he had no previous convictions.

Defence advocate Paul Glover said that his client’s driving licence had expired, rather than him not holding one at all.

Mr Glover asked the court to deal with the offence by way of a financial penalty, taking into account the low reading and Grugan’s lack of previous convictions.

The advocate said that it had been a misjudgement on the defendant’s part, as he had felt ok to drive after consuming two pints, and there had been no criticism of his standard of driving.

Mr Glover said that his client used a walking stick so he had mobility issues.

Deputy High Bailiff Ms Braidwood also ordered Grugan to pay £125 prosecution costs, which he will pay, along with the fines, at a rate of £150 per month.