A man accused of biting two hotel owners has denied assault causing actual bodily harm and common assault.

Brogan Keith Misselbrook will be committed to the Court of General Gaol Delivery on November 7.

The offences are alleged to have been committed at the Trevelyan Hotel in Douglas on May 8.

The 21-year-old defendant is accused of biting the male owner on the stomach and punching him, then biting the female owner on the arm, during an altercation there.

Prosecuting advocate Kathryn Johnson submitted that the case was too serious for summary court trial and should be heard at the Court of General Gaol Delivery.

Mr Misselbrook was represented in court by advocate Jane Gray, who put forward that the case should remain in the lower court.

The defendant had previously been remanded in custody as no bail address could be provided, but on Thursday, September 5, a new address was put forward by Ms Gray.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood declined summary court jurisdiction.

Bail was granted in the sum of £500, with conditions to reside at Walpole Avenue in Ramsey, not to contact the witnesses, not to enter the Trevelyan Hotel, and not to leave the island without court consent.