Police have expressed relief following the third consecutive TT with no open road deaths.

In a Facebook post, the Constabulary’s roads policing unit said ‘it’s broken a record’ by ‘achieving a hat-trick of fatal free TT’, which they described as ‘unprecedented’.

It went on to thank the public for helping police do what they do, and added that without the help of the general public it wouldn’t have been possible.

They also expressed gratitude to the road safety team who have been dotted around the island throughout the fortnight.

While there was no fatal incidents, police were forced to shut the Mountain Road on a number of occasions throughout this year’s festival.

In the statement they added that for those involved in collisions they hope ‘recuperation is going well and our thoughts are with you’. This year is also the first time since 2012 that there was no fatalities in racing throughout the two weeks.

Two riders continue to receive treatment following their incidents.