Manx Telecom has increased the amount of free inclusive data roaming available to its customers, thanks to several new billing plans.

Customers can now enjoy up to 20 gigabytes of free inclusive roaming when travelling to 37 countries UK and Europe-wide after the MT group negotiated improved roaming rates with global mobile operators.

Stephen Kane, group director of commercial strategy at Manx Telecom, said: ‘We are delighted to introduce these ground-breaking new mobile plans, representing a major milestone in our dedication to serving Isle of Man residents.

‘Our teams have been working behind the scenes to secure improved roaming rates and to design exciting new bundles ahead of the Easter holidays.’

The new mobile plans offer free inclusive roaming when you travel to the UK, Ireland, the EU-27, the Channel Islands also Albania, Gibraltar, Lichtenstein, Madeira, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey.

GoRoam plans are available from in-store, online at or by ringing 624624.

As the United States switches off its 2G and 3G networks, Manx Telecom is also taking proactive steps to ensure its customers enjoy uninterrupted voice calls and text messages while traveling to the United States.

To facilitate this transition, MT is offering a free upgrade to all eligible customers.

Without this upgrade, voice services may not function as expected, potentially causing communication disruption.

Gary Lamb, chief executive at Manx Telecom, said: ‘We recognise the significance of staying connected with your loved ones, regardless of your location.

‘This free upgrade is designed to eliminate any concerns about communication disruptions while traveling to the US. We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible service and ensuring their peace of mind during international travels.’

He continued: ‘We are recommending that all travellers to the US make the transition ahead of departure to avoid any disruption to the service.’

To receive the upgrade, customers can visit the Manx Telecom store located on Strand Street, Douglas or alternatively call 624624.