This video shows Steam Packet passengers sleeping rough on restaurant furniture after their midnight ferry was cancelled.

Around 30 Manx Grand Prix fans were left stranded after their sailing from Douglas to Liverpool was cancelled late on Sunday.

Isle of Man Today reported last week that the stranded passengers were asked to ‘leave the Sea Terminal’ as it was due to shut for the night after their ferry was cancelled.

The group were taken-in by Pasquale Bufano, manager of the nearby Barbary Coast and Grill restaurant, who kept the venue open all night so that the fans had somewhere to stay overnight.

The footage was shot by Pasquale and shows passengers sheltering from the elements.

At one point, the camera pans over some seating and shows two men stretched out sleeping on the furniture.

Pasquale said: ‘I asked the people at the desk of the Sea Terminal whether they were genuinely going to close the place and leave these people outside in this weather, and they said “there’s nothing they can do”.

‘You surely can’t throw people out at night, it was raining, it was windy, it was a horrendous night.

‘At the end of the day, in my opinion, they should take responsibility, yes it’s closed but you need to give them a roof over their heads.

‘I offered them coffee and teas, making them feel warm. ‘I said “lie down and help yourself, whatever you want”.

‘There was some chicken left over because we always have chicken left over for the staff. ‘I warmed it up, I gave them some food, and then I realised they weren't sleeping very comfortably, so I took all the tables away, I put the chairs up and tried to make sure they were comfy.’

A spokesperson for the Department of Infrastructure, which manages the Sea Terminal, said: ‘It is Government policy to close the Sea Terminal Building after the last sailing of the day.

‘There are emergency plans in place to open the building in exceptional situations if there is no accommodation available on island. 

‘However, on this occasion, there was sufficient notice given of the cancellation and there was accommodation available.

‘We know how challenging it can be to find a place to stay unexpectedly and we encourage everyone to consider travel insurance that includes cover for unforeseen circumstances

‘It was pleasing to hear of a local business helping passengers during this difficult time and Government appreciates the discomfort felt by those effected by travel disruption and hopes that passengers still had an enjoyable visit to the island.’