A Ramsey man who stalked his ex-partner has been handed a suspended sentence and restraining order.

Richard Leslie Callow followed the woman and even attached an AirTag [tracking device] to her car, to monitor her movements.

The 71-year-old also exposed and touched himself in an intimate area in front of her.

Callow pleaded guilty to the stalking offence, but initially denied a second charge of provoking behaviour, then later changed his plea to guilty to that also.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood sentenced him to 22 weeks’ custody, suspended for 18 months.

The restraining order will run for a six month period.

The court heard that Callow’s stalking campaign took place between September 2022 and February 2023.

It occurred following the break up for the couple’s relationship.

Defence advocate David Clegg said: ‘This is a gentleman who has never come to the notice of the courts in 70 odd years and suddenly, as a pensioner, has come before the court out of the blue.

‘He’s not a gentleman who is likely to trouble the court or police ever again.’

Mr Clegg said that his client had not been in good health, which had led to delays in the case, but this had not been him dragging things out deliberately.

The advocate told the court that the couple had been engaged to be married, but that the relationship had fallen apart, and Callow had not been able to deal with it.

‘Put simply, he took leave of his senses,’ said Mr Clegg.

The advocate asked for credit to be given for his client's guilty pleas and went on to say that Callow had now moved on with his life and had no intention of contacting the woman again.

A probation report assessed the defendant as a low risk of reoffending and of harm to others.

Deputy High Bailiff Ms Braidwood said that the offences had caused the victim distress, fear, intimidation, and harassment, and in a victim impact statement she had said that she was continuing to suffer as a result of Callow’s behaviour.

‘The social enquiry report says that you are ashamed and embarrassed about your behaviour, as you should be,’ said Ms Braidwood.

Callow, who lives at Westbourne Close, was sentenced to 16 weeks’ custody for stalking and six weeks for provoking behaviour, to run consecutively, but all suspended for 18 months.

He was also ordered to pay £800 prosecution costs within one month.